Infidelity Warning Signs or a Red Herring
In this day of everyone jumping into bed with everyone else it is quite easy to get paranoid about infidelity warning signs but one thing you have to remember is that not everyone is guilty of
having an affair.
There are many seemingly obvious infidelity warning signs that are genuine actions that don’t spell disaster and aren’t anyway
related to your spouse jumping into bed with someone else.
If you believe that your spouse is cheating on you, do your homework before you start throwing any accusations around. What you
perceive to be infidelity warning signs might prove to be signs that your spouse is having an affair but they might not:
- Accuse them of infidelity when they’re innocent might cause problems in an otherwise rock solid marriage.
- Accuse them without proof and they might convince you that you are paranoid.
Want to know how to Catch a Cheating spouse?
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t act on your gut feel or ignore infidelity warning signs but don’t panic when you first begin to
feel that there is a problem with your marriage and don’t let your partner know of your concerns without having hard
Some infidelity warning signs could be quite innocent such as:
· A sudden interest in the gym (they might just want to get fit)
· Seemingly guilty when on the phone (could be planning a surprise)
· Clearing old test messages (could just be good housekeeping)
· History wiped on the computer (possibly had to clean the computer)
If you feel there is something wrong don’t ignore the warning signs. I’m saying that there could be an innocent reason, not that
there is. Any concerns of infidelity need to be resolved if you’re just being paranoid you need to prove it to yourself and if you’re not
you need to catch that cheating spouse.
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